Monday, November 26, 2012

Cancer Sucks....Update

I'm fed up with this cancer, I want to kick its ass, HARD! My mom is doing an amazing job at it but she's 100lbs and doesn't have much strength. I would transfer her cancer in to my body ANY DAY!! I've looked into lung transplants, I have healthy lungs, take one!!!! But no....since those little toxic cancer cells have escaped their new found home, that they are unwelcome at, and have invaded her brain, they are unable to take my lung and put it into her body. The success rate would be terrible. The odds that my lung would also get cancer are extremely great. But if it gives her a few more years I would be more than happy to give her my lung. I am determined to find a Dr. that will even entertain the idea.

But anyway....Mom went to the Dr. last week for her normal chemo treatment and met with the Dr. because she has a really bad cough and was throwing up blood. Her CAT scan showed thickening of her lung lining and another small type of mass on the lower portion of her lung. The original scum sucking tumor is on the upper portion of the lung. The Dr. believed that she had some type of infection but wasn't sure what it was. So no chemo for mom this week. Which, by the way, she is still going every 3 weeks....for the last 2 years!!!! She has never missed a chemo treatment. They wanted to move her to once a week but we didnt feel that her body could handle that. And when you get such a long, high dosage of chemotherapy it's going to create certain side effects. Right now my mother is losing her ability to walk up stairs. Not only because she can't breathe well but because her legs are just not working anymore. She is much slower in her walking and fell up the stairs yesterday. She is also forgetting alot of things. I'm worried that these are side effects of a tumor leaning the portions of the brain that control her movement and thought process. But it could just be a side effect from the drugs.
Listening to Taylor swift with Grammie :)  #love

So all in all....this sucks. I've done ENDLESS amount of research and it's not getting me anywhere. I believe that my mother has gotten this far because of her relationship with my daughter. They are best friends. So we can just pray every day that she gets another day and maybe she can withstand this chemo for a longer period of time. <3

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