Thursday, October 14, 2010


So yesterday after radiation we took Mom to St. Mary's to get some fluid drained from around her lung that came back, however, when the radiologist did the ultrasound before he inserted the needle, he didn't find any fluid. 

SO this made me angry....her oncologist told us she had fluid, a chest x-ray supposedly showed fluid, yet there was no fluid. So we were standing in the middle of the hospital not knowing where to go and my mom having trouble breathing. Well you all know me....I called every Dr. that she has EVER seen in the last  two weeks until I got some answers, and I'm not sorry for not being pleasant :) Because a Dr. on call in her pulmonologists office FINALLY called back and said he reviewed the scan and she has pneumonia. 

So this morning started at the pulmonologists office so she could get put on medication and be told that he was advising her oncologist that the chemotherapy should be held off for a week or two. This is not something that we wanted to hear. My mother just wants to start the chemo and knock this crap out of her!! 

In the mean time I ran around that hospital like it was my job, getting every copy of every scan and every medical record so I could send it for a second opinion to Dana Farber Cancer Institute, who specializes in this type of cancer.

We then went to get her 2nd round of radiation. For such a strong medical treatment, this is the easiest part of the day.

So now we wait. She continues with her radiation until the 26th. And hopefully this pneumonia is gone soon so she can start her chemo. And out of the blue, a nebulizer appears....nobody knows from where! lol I'm assuming from her pulmonologist, which is great, I just wish I knew someone told us it was coming so I could have relaxed a little about her breathing trouble. 

But have no fear, her oncologist called me back tonight at 6:15 from my 3:00 call yesterday, thanks....thanks alot! My mother couldn't breathe, you were on call, and called me back 27 hours later....perfect! Sorry....I'm a little tired :)

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